So much win!!!
I nostalgia'd like... 2000 times while watching this video
One of the best on NG, keep it up! ^_^
So much win!!!
I nostalgia'd like... 2000 times while watching this video
One of the best on NG, keep it up! ^_^
Awesomely animated
Awesome smooth animation and good sounds
for your next one, why not write it in your native language, then get somebody else to translate for you? As it stands right now, you still have a lot to learn about english grammar and spelling :D
Still, good flash :3
Leave Britney Alone!
Lol seriously though. This flash is excellent, sad but true.
You'd think that people would catch on by now... but there are those who would still throw their lives away like this
read the fucking summary
eerr... you guys should definitely rtfs before posting that he ripped it off... He's the one who did it for the collab, and he's not credited anymore.
Not that I really liked the flash so much, but I'm giving you a ten to offset these assholes :D
This is a thing of beauty
I seriously got chills watching this...
keep it up! :D
It was
Absolutely brilliant!
I just wish it was longer ^_^
I haven't been that emotionally attached to a flash movie since J. Picking's great badger loop!
Well done!
Joined on 9/21/09